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CSS Hosting on Linux Servers.
CSS HostingsNews is a completely free, standards compliant, PHP and MySQL driven Content Management System. sNews is extremely lightweight, simple and customizable. It's easy to install, and easy to use via a simple web interface. sNews consists of only one core engine file, one independent template file and its accompanying CSS stylesheet file, plus an .htaccess file that makes all URLs search engine friendly.
sNews HostingJsPHP is a cross-browser JavaScript library designed to make the PHP application programming interface (API) available in JavaScript environments.
JsPHP HostingWebix is a JavaScript and HTML5 framework for developing cross-platform HTML5 and CSS3 compatible applications.
Webix HostingCappuccino is an open source application framework for developing applications that look and feel like the desktop software users are familiar with.
Cappuccino HostingLifeType supports multiple blogs and users, media management, generation of standard content, clean URLs and support for subdomains. LifeType is released under the GPL license, and requires PHP and MySQL to work.
LifeType HostingApache Roller is a Java-based Open Source "full-featured, Multi-blog, Multi-user, and group-blog server suitable for blog sites large and small".
Apache Roller HostingPrivate JVM hosting with pre-installed Tomcat server.
Private JVM HostingXWiki is a free wiki software platform written in Java with a design emphasis on extensibility.
XWiki HostingdotCMS is an open source content management system (CMS) written in Java for managing content and content driven sites and applications.
dotCMS HostingAmetys is a free and open source content management system (CMS) written in Java.
Ametys CMS HostingeXo Platform is an open source, standard-based, Enterprise Social Collaboration Platform written in Java.
eXo Platform HostingGoogle Web Toolkit, or GWT Web Toolkit, is an open source set of tools that allows web developers to create and maintain complex JavaScript front-end applications in Java.
Google Web Toolkit HostingMagnolia is an open-source digital business platform with a content management system (CMS) at its core.
Magnolia HostingOpenKM is a Free/Libre document management system that provides a web interface for managing arbitrary files.
OpenKM Hosting