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Plesk is a commercial web hosting platform with a control panel that allows a server administrator to set up new websites, reseller accounts, e-mail accounts, and DNS entries through a web-based interface.
Plesk HostingFTP Hosting on Linux Servers.
FTP HostingChaplin is an architecture for JavaScript applications using the Backbone.js library.
Chaplin.js HostingJoomla is an award-winning content management system (CMS), which enables you to build Web sites and powerful online applications. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Joomla the most popular Web site software available. Best of all, Joomla is an open source solution that is freely available to everyone.
Joomla HostingNode.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
Node.js HostingRialto (Rich Internet Application Toolkit) is a cross browser Ajax-based JavaScript widgets library.
Rialto Toolkit HostingPHP Hosting on Linux Servers.
PHP HostingGoogle Web Toolkit, or GWT Web Toolkit, is an open source set of tools that allows web developers to create and maintain complex JavaScript front-end applications in Java.
Google Web Toolkit HostingLiferay makes software that helps companies create digital experiences on web, mobile and connected devices.
Liferay HostingTomcat Hosting on Linux Servers.
Tomcat HostingXWiki is a free wiki software platform written in Java with a design emphasis on extensibility.
XWiki HostingMagnolia is an open-source digital business platform with a content management system (CMS) at its core.
Magnolia HostingJava Hosting packages on Linux servers.
Java HostingeXo Platform is an open source, standard-based, Enterprise Social Collaboration Platform written in Java.
eXo Platform HostingPrivate JVM hosting with pre-installed Tomcat server.
Private JVM HostingAmetys is a free and open source content management system (CMS) written in Java.
Ametys CMS Hosting